Miller Introduction to Judaism Program

Come Learn!
Beginning March 2, 2022, this 18-session course will be taught by Rabba Kaya via Zoom on Wednesdays, 6:00 – 7:30 pm. Developed at American Jewish University, the class is designed for Jews and non-Jews who want to learn more. The curriculum is very rich, with additional readings and video content, in addition to weekly class discussions. Details and registration instructions are below. Thanks to generous financial support from the Cultural Endowment Fund, this class is free to students!
Class session dates:
- March 2, 9
- April 6, 13, 20, 27
- May 4, 11, 25
- June 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
- July 6, 13, 20, 27
To join the class,
- Registration is required via the button below.
- You will receive a confirmation email with the class Zoom link and reading list PDF link.
- Separately, you will receive an email from: Thinkific-On One Foot Videos. Please check your spam and open this email in order to register for the videos that will accompany each class.
- There is no charge for tuition, but students will need to purchase the $35 workbook for this class. The link will be included with your class registration confirmation email. When books arrive, they will be available for pick up in the Temple Office.