Recipe with a Memory


Please join NH Shaliach Ra’anan de Haas for this special program, founded in 2015 by a Shlicha in Minnesota. She wanted to find a way to bring Yom HaZikaron (Day of Remembrance) to her Jewish community.

This year we are going to be honoring Ronen Hayun, a fallen combat tank driver, by making homemade pizza. (There will not be a gluten-free option.)

This in-person event will follow these JFNH Covid protocols: Masks will be required when not eating or drinking, and social distancing will be in place.

This program is part of a series of statewide online and in-person events organized by the JFNH in partnership with synagogues around NH to celebrate Israel while remembering the many who perished for its founding and survival.

Please register to help us plan for the pizza. There will be a $10 per person charge for this event to cover the cost of ingredients.









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