Highlights from Shavuot

Lilacs, rhododendrons, and apple blossoms adorned the Court Street entryway to Temple Israel as we celebrated our first ever outdoor Shavuot service. Surrounded by the lattice panels of our sukkah, which had been transformed into movable screens decorated with flowers and greenery, about 25 congregants joined voices in song and prayer on Shavuot morning. The experience was magical and powerful after so many months on Zoom.
Highlights of the holiday:
- The day before the service, volunteers decorated our outdoor bimah and lattice panels with flowers and greenery.
- Rabbis and cantors from across New Hampshire led an evening of learning, song, and stories (Tikkun Leil Shavuot) over Zoom on the night of Shavuot, demonstrating the richness of our local clergy’s talents and wisdom.
- The next morning, one student came up to our outdoor bimah for her first in-person aliyah since she became a Bat Mitzvah one year ago via Zoom.
- Several committee chairs and retiring board president were honored on the bimah as Rabba Kaya chanted the Ten Commandments from the Torah.
- Delicious kugels and cheesecakes were served up following the service, in keeping with the Shavuot tradition of eating dairy foods.