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Erev Rosh Hashanah Seder | Rosh Hashanah Day 1 Service | Rosh Hashanah Day 2 Service |
I love to walk. Wherever I have lived I have found wonderful places to walk- in Eugene Oregon among the redwoods, in the forests of the Berkshires, along the Gulf of Mexico in Sarasota and now, along the seacoast, right here in New Castle. I have been blessed to live in beautiful places and to walk through the seasons on so many gorgeous paths. With no destination in mind, but simply to immerse in the pleasure of movement, my surrounds have brought me comfort, revitalization and sometimes inspiration. I am reminded of the very first command given to Avram in the Torah – Lekh Lkha – Go forth… go to a place that “I will show you”. Leave all that is familiar and just go, without knowing where you are headed. It is time to leave behind all you have known, all that is comfortable and get yourself onto a new path. It is the journey and not the destination that forms the roots of our spiritual legacy and our destiny…
Good morning, and welcome to all of you, both here in the sanctuary and online. It’s a pleasure to see so many of you, especially in light of the year we’ve just completed. When Rabba Kaya accepted this pulpit over a year and a half ago, I feel pretty certain that she was not anticipating anything like what she has experienced. I certainly know that when I agreed to become the President-Elect I was not expecting anything like the past year and a half. I suspect that none of us anticipated either the extended length or the wide-ranging effects of the pandemic. But we have all persevered and are looking forward to better times in the New Year.
Erev Rosh Hashanah, September 6th, 6:00pm
Join the Temple Israel community for a Rosh Hashanah Seder over Zoom!
Food & other items to have on hand: Shabbat Candles, Challah, Honey, Wine or grape juice, Dates, Apples, Pomegranate seeds (sold by Pomme in containers in the supermarket), Spinach or Beets (cooked or raw), Carrots, Gummy Fish and/or Lettuce
Sanctuary Service and Zoom 9:00 am – 12:15 pm
In Person Services begin: 9:00 am
End of Shacharit: 10:15 am
Break 10:15 – 10:25
Torah Service: 10:25
Sermon: 11:10
Shofar Service: 11:30
End: 12:15 pm
The zoom link will be sent via email, or contact the office.
Digital Mahzor (password: State200)
Note: the book opens right to left, so use the arrow on the left page to turn left and keep up with the service.
Tashlich and an outdoor shofar service
1:15 pm Prescott Park, Portsmouth
3:30 pm Swaysey Park, Exeter (boat launch)
3:30 pm, Henry Law Park, Dover
Sanctuary Service and Zoom 9:15 am – 12:15 pm
End of Shacharit: 10:25 am
Break: 10:25 – 10:35
Torah: 10:35
Sermon: 11:10
Shofar: 11:25
End: 12:15 pm
Rosh Hashanah Day 1, September 7th:
Outdoor family services (No assigned seating)
Come celebrate with us at a fun, engaging family Rosh Hashanah service led by our teens, with both familiar and new tunes to enjoy!
We will be located under a tent in the 170 State Street parking lot.
Services go from 9:00 – 10:00 am, followed by Rosh-Hashanah-themed activities. Experience shofar up close, and play games until the end of services in the sanctuary at 12:15 pm.
The Family Service will focus on kids in fifth grade or younger, but families with children of all ages are encouraged to attend.
We hope you can join us for apples, honey, community, dancing, and more!